I wanted to post a Life Lately entry but I don't have enough photos. Life has been so busy lately and my lack of a proper camera (one that's handy and takes good photos) has been getting in the way of my shutterbug. My phone is broken in more ways than one and I'm not sure when I'd have the mollah to fix it.
In shorter terms: "My life has been a mess.".
Well, not completely.
My groupmates and I passed our thesis defense!
Yay for us and all the ones who passed. Advertising thesis is no joke. Aside from the usual hand-breaking, tear-jerking scholarly writing, naa pa gyuy other plates na mudungan.
Oh, and I'm having quite a blast with my multimedia class. *note the sarcasm*
Back to the Life Lately dilemma...
I guess I just have to suck it up and use my digital point and shoot camera once again. I love my point and shoot, actually. It's the looks I get when I use it that I don't like. It's like people think I'm from the past because of it.
But for you, my dear readers (and for my love of blogging and sharing), I will try to shoot more.
Talk soon (?).
Xo, Benj.