It's not like I need another online outlet to blabber about my issues, right? And just like any other millennial, I too have a blog I have forgotten since I stopped having free time and "life" started to happen.
But now that life really is starting to happen, I revert back to this blank page. To this blinking dash on my screen waiting for me to write the next word that pops into my mind. I guess, that apart from my ego, this blinking dash is the only thing that is waiting for me to write again.
Ah, writing. What a fun anecdote. I think of writing in the form of success. Books after book written into being a New York Times Bestseller *crowd goes wild!* or a story that goes viral because of witty writing. But right now, writing is this. An outlet for a 20-something, hardly making it millennial that doesn't have much to say except, life's a fucking bitch.
Because in a world of mindless monsters, including myself, I still find the world to be so mind-boggling that caters to the ones who are more mindless than the masses.
This blog btw is pointless. So if you're not me, or my sister, this is your sign to leave and read something else or watch another Tiktok video that's way more interesting than the words I write.
Thanks, good riddance.
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