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Life Lately #5 // Adulting

Hello, from my work desk! 

I missed Blogger's blank page so much and I'm getting all kinds of good, giddy vibes while typing this. Anyhoo, here's a Life Lately post for you to binge-read on if you want to. It will probably be long (long actually is an understatement) but I hope you have fun reading it!

So, a bunch of different things had happened in my life for the past few months. Some moments are happy. Sadly, a good chunk of the moments are sad and, dare I say, tragic. I won't go into much details but don't worry, you'll know what you need to know.

Work is still work

If you've been following me on Instagram (shameless plug @hellobennj), you'll know that I've been dabbling with freelance work lately and I'm extremely grateful for it. It gives me an escape from my nine-to-six job which is... mundane but very challenging. I am slowly but surely growing and learning a lot from the tasks I am assigned to. It's challenging me to my core and as much as I love a good challenge, I still can't say that I love it. I just still can't... It won't feel genuine for me to say it. I'd just be lying to myself. And the traffic from home to the office (and vice versa) isn't helping. Silver lining: I get to see Hanna very often. That warms my heart in so many ways 


As I've mentioned above, freelance work has been the top priority of my free time. I've been very focused on bettering my skills in painting/drawing and on my second passion which is social media. Main reason why I put in a lot of my time in it though sometimes, I feel overworked already is because if I don't do anything other than my 9-6 job, I'll probably won't be able to sustain my creativity anymore. It will drain me a hundred percent if I don't take any other creative job. And I know that sometimes, I get late nights and I'd need to drink more coffee because of this (not an entirely bad thing, if you ask me), I still wouldn't change it for anything else. I'd rather be overworked and passionate than well-rested and dissatisfied. I actually have been collaborating with my friends for paintings and photographs. You'll see them soon and since we have the last week of October and the whole month of November to hang-out, I'll be able to post more than just the twice a month regular schedule. Yay!

Blog Redesign

It's been a month of brainstorming with my friend, the developer and so far so good.

Pink Tent 

The month of October is my favorite month because of Halloween and Pinktober! As some of you know, my mom was a cancer patient and because of that, I am an advocate of Breast Cancer awareness. I'm so fortunate to be a part of I Can Serve's annual Pink Tent this month. Thanks, Hanna Banana for helping me deliver the bags to the event! I painted a couple of bayongs for them. See photos above 


I don't know about you, but change for me is hard to accept. Some major changes had been happening in my life and as much as I want things to stay the same, sometimes, I just know that when change happens, it happens for a fucking good reason. I'm letting life roll on its own as of the moment. I'm trying very hard to let change affect me in a positive way. It's the hardest thing to do because I naturally am a paranoid pessimist. Any tips?

I guess, that's all I gotta say. I would love to hear from you. Comment down below or follow me on Instagram/Twitter. Let's talk there!

Other than that, thanks for reading and see you next week!

Quick announcement: The redesign is moved to December because my web designer had a huge project to make and I feel like, redesigning a blog is not really a big of a deal. It's more of a want than a need, so I'm letting it slide :) 


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