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Showing posts from March, 2021

I'm alive and well!

  Okay, so it has been a while... And this might just be another shot at "reviving" my writing practice but here I am, writing for this blog again. The familiar times new roman font from the drafting page and the icons surrounding it feel like home somehow. Here's what I can see rn: Life lately has been weirdly calm then busting at the seams the next. I've been cooking a lot which makes me happy. I have painted a bit as well. Oh, and we moved. Lots of happenings happened since I last wrote here. I would like to think that I also experienced growth. I believe I have grown, and I'm grateful for that. What actually led me to write again, especially here, is for the same reason I craved my coffee every morning: I needed something to ground me. And although journalling on paper did help a lot, there's something with writing to this blog that no one really comes to anymore, that makes it seem final. Like hitting that orange button that says publish releases the thou...