Hello, from my work desk! I missed Blogger's blank page so much and I'm getting all kinds of good, giddy vibes while typing this. Anyhoo, here's a Life Lately post for you to binge-read on if you want to. It will probably be long (long actually is an understatement) but I hope you have fun reading it! So, a bunch of different things had happened in my life for the past few months. Some moments are happy. Sadly, a good chunk of the moments are sad and, dare I say, tragic. I won't go into much details but don't worry, you'll know what you need to know. Work is still work If you've been following me on Instagram (shameless plug @hellobennj) , you'll know that I've been dabbling with freelance work lately and I'm extremely grateful for it. It gives me an escape from my nine-to-six job which is... mundane but very challenging. I am slowly but surely growing and learning a lot from the tasks I am assigned to. It's challenging me ...
A creative and lifestyle blog for the everyday almost-adults.